Ministers in Methil
The Mission station was supplied by the Rev. John McLauchlan, Minister at East Wemyss, and Mr. John Wilson was Missionary Assistant for two years. At the disruption, Mr. McLauchlan adhered to the Church of Scotland.
During 1850-57 the Rev. W. Polson was Minister, and he had the help of Mr. James Duff, M.A.
His successor was Mr. James Morrison, M.A., who had the satisfaction of becoming the first Minister in 1876, when the station became a quoad sacra charge. During his ministry in 1885 the Town Council was formed. The population of Methil at that time was approximately 5000. Mr Morrison sadly died in office. C. Durward held Interim Moderator while a new minister was called.
That new minister was the Rev. Alexander Ayton Young, who remained here until 1891 when he was called to Clunie, who filled the vacancy caused by Mr. Morrison's death in 1882.
The Rev. Dr. Thomas Muir, B.D. ministered for 16 years with conspicuous success in Methil and came back to join in the centenary celebrations in 1937. He moved on to be called to Stirling Parish in 1906 and then lived to over 100 years of age. In the 1960's his son, a lawyer in England, returned the silver inkstand his father had been presented with on leaving Methil.
The Rev. Alexander (Alec) Robertson, who also ministered for 16 years and whose zeal, energy, courage and self-denial made a deep impression on many hearts, followed Dr. Muir. He died with tragic suddenness in 1923.
Next in line of succession was the Rev. George D. McKenzie, who during his four years here, saw the completion of our beautiful church. The congregation of Methil owes a deep debt of gratitude to the Baird Trust for their generous aid in its erection. McKenzie answered a call to serve in Minto Parish Church, when Rev G Edwards took up role of Interim Moderator.
In 1927 the Rev. Alexander H. Forbes, M.C., B.D., came to the Parish, bringing with him a wide and varied experience. During the 22 years of his ministry at Methil, notable achievements were the acquisition of a suitable Manse and the erection of a suite of halls worthy of the Church (thanks again to help from the Baird Trust), and progress was made in all organisations. After retiring and leaving Methil, Mr. Forbes kept in very close touch with his many local friends, and at his interment in 1974 it was Methil Church Elders who acted as pallbearers at St. Martin's Cemetery, Balbegie, Perthshire.
In 1950 the Rev. George Hunter accepted a call to Methil and soon became a much loved and respected friend to the whole congregation. Attendances at services and meetings were always overflowing. He worked very hard, particularly in building up the Boys' Brigade, and had an excellent Bible class. He returned many times to Methil, sometimes to open sales of work, and conducted one of the services at the Jubilee anniversary, and one at the 60th Anniversary. George went on to become minister in Newark in Port Glasgow and then Scotstoun Church, Glasgow before retiring in 1972.
The Rev. Alexander (Alec) C. Barr, B.D., succeeded Mr. Hunter in June 1958, and continued the good work of guiding all organisations forward. The strong company of B.B.'s allowed Mr. Barr to work closely with the Guide Company, which at one time had a membership of about 100 girls. Mr. Barr, an excellent organiser, was Moderator of Kirkcaldy Presbytery during his stay at Methil. The hall extension was also started in his time and he saw the large stage built at the east side of the hall completed, as well as the present carpeting of the aisle and chancel. Nine years on, Mr. Barr received a call from St. Nicholas Parish Church, Cardonald, Glasgow, where he spent 25 years. He also has been back to Methil, taking the pulpit on anniversary occasions and at other times.
The Rev. James Duncan came to Methil in 1967 from Clunie, Perthshire. A hard-working Minister, he saw the electronic hearing system installed for the benefit of hard-of-hearing members of the congregation. With help from the members, he also repainted the interior of the Church. Unfortunately, he demitted office in 1972 to teach religious instruction to pupils at Secondary Schools. He retired from teaching in 1986 and has been back to visit Methil over the years.
In February 1973, the Rev. George McDonald accepted a call to Methil from Ayrshire, but after four years he emigrated to take up an appointment with a presbytery in Australia. We celebrated his Silver jubilee in the Ministry in 1977, and he arranged a grand golden jubilee of the present Church on 26th January 1976. A fine evening concert was given in November 1976 to mark the 50th anniversary of the installation of our lovely organ.
On 8th June 1978, Methil Parish Church was pleased to call an excellent, diligent and pleasant young man, the Rev. Alastair H. Gray, M.A., B.D. Mr. Gray was minister for over seven years before accepting a call to Haddington West linked with Garvaid, in February 1985. During his time in Methil, he produced the "Manna Sheet" a weekly newsletter and was Chaplain to the Sea Cadets. Following his time at Methil, Rev. Alistair Cherry followed by Rev. Jamie Templeton took up office as Interim Moderator.
After diligent searching, a call was given to the Rev. John D. Thomson, B.D in 1985. Before commencing his theological studies at Trinity College, Glasgow, Mr. Thomson was a Production Manager in the Steel industry, an elder and President of Airdrie, Coatbridge and Dist. Battalion of the Boys' Brigade. A Probationer Assistant at Bellshill West Church, Mr. Thomson accepted the call to Methil and the service of ordination and induction took place on the 19th September 1985. It was a memorable evening for the large congregation present. A new chapter in the history of Methil Parish began on the 7th September 1986, when for the first time women were ordained to the eldership. John went on to be minister at Pathhead in Kirkcaldy in 1993 but still keeps in touch with friends in Methil.
Rev Alex Wark came to Methil in February 1994 from the Scots Kirk, Rotterdam and left to take up a call in Renfrew in September 1998. He later moved to Irvine Old Parish Church until his departure in 2023. Following his move from Methil, Maureen Patterson took up the Interim Moderator position.
After a long vacancy and diligent searching, the call was given to
Rev Allan Brown who came to Methil in January 2000. Before being ordained as a minister in 1993, Allan worked for Strathclyde Regional Council. He became a Christian in 1980 and was heavily involved in Sunday School and the Boys’ Brigade. After a short ministry of 3 years, he was subsequently called to a chaplaincy in Shotts prison on 15th January 2003. Again, Maureen Patterson took up the Interim Moderator Position.
After a 7-year vacancy, Methil Parish Church were delighted to call Rev. Gillian Paterson in 2010. Gillian is our current minister and has served us throughout changing times including the merging of Innerleven and Methil Parish churches to form Wellesley Parish and the completion of the Wellesley centre which is a hub for the Methil Community.

Site of the original
Methil Parish Church

Rev Muir

Rev Robertson

Rev Forbes

Rev Hunter

Rev Barr

Rev Duncan

Rev McDonald

Rev Gray

Rev Thomson

Rev Wark

Rev Brown

Rev Paterson